

Em Ironstar

Em Ironstar (she/her) is a person of settler ancestry who lives and works in Regina, Saskatchewan, on Treaty 4 Territory, the traditional lands of the Saulteaux, Cree, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota peoples, as well as the homeland of the Métis.

Em is the Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance.  The diversity of her experience working in the arts and cultural sectors over the past decade helps to lead the SAA effectively to build a province where arts and artists are supported and valued as essential to a complete and healthy society.

Em is also one of the directors of the printmaking collective and studio Articulate Ink at the Creative City Centre in Regina, SK. She is a practicing artist working in the fields of printmaking and photography.


Kevin Power

Kevin  (he/him)  is the producer of Arts Everywhere and an occasional cohost.
A fan of old time radio dramas and self-professed podcast-addict, Kevin was Kevin was an early adopter of the podcast genre before podcasts were "a thing".  His podcast series "SaskScapes" was the very first podcast in Saskatchewan and the very first to tell stories of arts, culture and heritage
Kevin has had a 35-year as a professional working Canadian actor/singer. Known primarily for his character roles he has appeared on the stages of Broadway blockbuster musicals, in concert, television series', and film, working with some of the most renowned  production studios in the business...and the dream isn’t over yet!