Arts Everywhere: The SAA Podcast
Arts Everywhere: The SAA Podcast
Episode 31 - Arts Everywhere - "Trans Futurity" with Cat Haines and Jaye Kovach
Trans Futurity is a concept that envisions a future where transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals are fully embraced, empowered, and integrated into all aspects of society, free from discrimination and oppression. Perhaps more challenging than ever in our current political climate. Saskatchewan is not immune. This episode's guests are Jaye Kovach and Cat Haines. Creative, groundbreaking, outspoken advocates, and determined are a few traits that both artists possess. This conversation is an eye opener to the challenges the trans community faces daily in society, and in the arts community, there is a whole other level of challenges that you may not have considered. This episode is a companion piece to a series of essays you can find on the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance website. See links below:
Jaye Kovach's website: www.ihaveasickness.com Instagram: @ihaveasickness on instagram
Cat's upcoming screening: https://www.reginalibrary.ca/attend/programs/12188202
Cat's website: cathaines.com Instagram: @cat_moondyke
Capacitor: https://artsandscience.usask.ca/news/articles/7420/CAPACITOR_Project_Launch
Thank you to SaskCulture, SKArts, and Sask Lotteries for your generous support.
Visit our website: https://www.saskartsalliance.ca
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@saskatchewanartsalliance57
Patrick Moon Bird: https://linktr.ee/PatrickMoonBird
Kevin Power: http://www.kevinpower.net/ The Saskscapes Podcast: https://saskscapes.buzzsprout.com/